Updated Descriptions – OCRA Officer and Board Member Responsibilities

President The President shall be the chief executive Officer (CEO) of the club and shall, subject to the control of the Membership, supervise the affairs of the club and the activities of the Officers. He or she shall perform all duties incident to his or her office and such other duties as may be required by law, or by these Bylaws, or which may be prescribed from time to time by the Membership. The President will preside over and maintain order in all meetings. In consultation with the Board of Directors, the President will set agenda for meetings. He/She shall enforce the due observance of the constitution and by-laws, decide all questions of order and sign all official documents.

Vice President The Vice President shall assume the duties of President in his absence. The Vice President shall provide leadership in the identification and presentation of programs for club meetings. The Vice-President shall also serve as a liaison with the Durham FM Association or other clubs with which we are holding joint activities (i.e Amateur Radio Field Day) for the mutual benefit of their members.

Secretary The Secretary shall maintain the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws and all documents and associated records of the organization. He/She shall keep minutes of the General Membership and the Board of Directors meetings and report the same to the membership. He/She shall manage all club correspondence.

Treasurer The Treasurer shall receive and receipt all moneys paid to the club, keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures, and pay bills authorized by the Board of Directors. At the end of each quarter, He/She shall submit an itemized financial statement to the membership. The Treasurer shall also oversee maintenance of documents for taxation status and to assure compliance with federal, state and local taxation laws. At the end of his term, He/She shall transfer all records, funds and documents to his successor.

Board Member-at-Large Board Members shall provide input to Board meetings on behalf of the membership. They will vote to approve or reject all motions, actions or pronouncements of the Board allowable by law, or by these By-Laws, or as amended by the Membership.