OCRA Monthly Membership Meetings are held at the following location:.
Efland Baha’i Center The Fellowship Hall of the Efland Baha’i Center can comfortably accommodate more than 60 people. There is a 55″ flat screen TV available for presentations. A kitchen is available so we can even lay on coffee and tea if so desired. For those unable to attend in person, you can join in the meetings through Zoom. The Zoom ID and password are distributed by email sent to all members of record as listed in the OCRA membership database. |
OCRA-Administered License Exams: |
Volunteer exam sessions are scheduled at periodic intervals by Dave, W4SAR the Volunteer Exam Coordinaor for our area. Check the OCRA-DFMA groups.io website for announcements Dave will post regarding the next scheduled VE session.
All sessions are held at the Efland Baha’i Center. Walk-ins are welcome, pre-registration is not required to take the exams. All candidates are required to have an FCC Registration Number in advance. If you are going for your first test and don’t have an FRN, visit the FCC website to easily obtain one. If you already have a ham license, your FRN will be printed on it. Candidates must also provide some form of picture identification, and the $15 exam fee payable in cash or by check to “ARRL VEC”. Successful candidates will have to pay a $35 licensing fee to the FCC within 10 days of submitting the license application. |
Regularly Scheduled OCRA Nets: |
THE WEEKLY 10 METER SOCIAL NET – The extremely popular 10 meter net, usually hosted by Bruce Meier, N1LN, begins at 2000L (8:00 pm) on Monday evenings on 28.450 MHz upper sideband (except for the second Monday of each month, when we have our Membership Meeting).
Note that all licensed Amateurs, regardless of license class, are authorized to transmit phone between 28.300 and 28.500 MHz, so this enjoyable net is open to every ham. |
THE WEEKLY ORANGE COUNTY ARES TRAINING NET – This net begins on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am on the W4UNC 442.150 MHz PL 131.8Hz repeater.
In addition to check-ins and announcements, a short over-the-air training session is often conducted by the Orange County ARES leadership team. |
The Orange County Radio Amateurs, Inc, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (TIN# 58-2064632)