OCRA Mission Statement & Membership
This organization is exclusively for educational, scientific and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and a chartered Non-Profit Corporation operating under guidance published by the Executive Council of the Business Law Section of the N.C. Bar Association for North Carolina non profit corporations.
Specifically the OCRA mission is to:
- Encourage the use of Amateur Radio for emergency and welfare communications for the public good.
- Further the exchange of information on Amateur Radio among members, and between members and the general public.
- Promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual Amateur Radio operating efficiency.
- Conduct meetings, classes and other activities of general interest to Amateur Radio operators.
- All persons interested in Amateur Radio communications shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be by application and election as provided in the By-laws.
Membership dues cover the cost of keeping the OCRA repeaters on the air; the OCRA club web site providing members & affiliates with amateur radio information, procedures, dues status, interests, needs for assistance, club Field Day information and, insurance coverage for Field Day and similar club sanctioned member events.
OCRA membership dues are used to cover the costs of the above provided member benefits and per IRS regulations are not tax deductable. However, any additional general donations of funds or equipment are tax deductable.
OCRA is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national organization for Amateur Radio™
Orange County Radio Amateurs, Inc, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (TIN# 58-2064632)
OCRA Club Meetings and Nets
- OCRA monthly club meetings are on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm at the Elfand Baha’i Center. Click the link on the right side of this page for further meeting locaton information.
- Monday night 10 meter net on 28.450mHz at 8pm with Zoom gathering starting 30 minutes prior the net.
- Saturday OCRA 442.150mHz Repeater 9:30am Auxcomm Net and Zoom gathering starting at 8:30am.
- 3rd Saturday of the month “HamPiE” Experimenters Zoom gathering starting at 1:30pm. This gathering focuses on amateur related hobby projects with a work session exchanging ideas and help on various gadgets.
Saturday 9:30AM 442.150mHz Repeater AuxComm Net Script
Repeater Code of Conduct
Participate in OCRA Net from Zoom
Repeater Coverage
Chatham/Orange/Durham Tri-County Region Repeaters
442.150 MHz, +5 MHz offset, PL131.8 Hz | Operational, on a tall tower a few miles southwest of Chapel Hill, NC providing wide area coverage through out the Research Triangle and adjoining regions. This focus of this repeater, built and maintained by the OCRA Inc, is to serve the above stated mission objectives.
The AllStar linked repeaters listed below are the backup repeaters in the event the 442.150 repeater is off the air. |
442.075 MHz, +5 MHz offset, PL107.2 Hz | Operational. Located between Hillsborough & Durham, courtesy of DFMA WR4AGC Trustee NC4CD. This OCRA local repeater is linked to the AllStar repeaters listed here for emergency service training and use. | |||||||
145.230 MHz,-600kHz offset, PL107.2 Hz | Operational. Location will be mid way between Chapel Hill and Pittsboro. Positioned to provide coverage on a bearing looking down the length of Jordan Lake, this local repeater will also provide coverage into southern Orange and Chatham County. It is linked to the other AllStar repeaters listed here for emergency training and use. | |||||||
443.475MHz, +5 MHz offset, PL131.8 Hz | Operational. Located in Siler City to provide coverage into western Chatham County & the emerging NC Core region. This local repeater will be linked via AllStar to the other repeaters listed here for emergency training and use. | |||||||
146.610MHz, -600kHz offset, PL136.5 Hz | Operational. Located in Moncure courtesy of W0SMT FCC trustee providing coverage across Chatham County, Lee County and significant portions of Orange County. This local repeater is linked via AllStar to the other repeaters listed here for emergency training and use. | |||||||
53.450 MHz, -1 MHz offset, PL107.2 Hz | Operational. Summertime ducting/propagation brings in a distant, unknown source signal on the repeater input frequency that times out the repeater for periods of time |
OCRA Officers |