Dee (KU4GC), MK (W4MKR), Dave (W4SAR), Karen (KD4YJZ), Wilson (W4BOH), Steve (W3AHL), Dan (KR4UB), Keith (W1KES)
Treasurer Report: Balance is still strong, current membership is 77 active members.
Tower Report
Tower Engineering provided a quote to complete the drawings, gain state approval, and install the antenna. However, the quote is cost prohibited for the club. Dan (KR4UB) and Steve (W3AHL) will schedule time with UNC to discuss a possible cost sharing arrangement.
Meeting Development and Membership Encouragement
Meeting development and membership encouragement is a primary focus this year. As expressed in the last Membership meeting, and again in this Board meeting, we are seeking ideas on how to improve the meeting experience. Below are a list of suggestions and actions being taken to enhance our membership meetings. We encourage members to provide feedback and get involved.
Amateur Radio Club Development is based on establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationship. We encourage members to get involved in the club. If you have interests, skills, or experiences you wish to share with new hams, or the general membership, please let any of the Board members know.
Suggestions and Actions:
- Keith (W1KES) contact the Chapel Hill High School to begin discussing presenting Amateur Radio to the Physics class.
- John (KX4P) will be facilitating our next meeting program. The topic should be finalized later this month.
- Kurt (N2PCC) is working with published schematics to build his own 40 meter Benson small meter. Once complete he is willing to be program topic.
- Dan (KR4UB) is installing software to the NCOCRA blog that will allow members to add pictures directly to the blog.
- Dave (W4SAR) is establishing an Elmer resource pool. After Membership introductions, we need to ask if there are questions, or if anyone needs assistance. If so, we can assign an Elmer to assist.
- Wilson (W4BOH) has offered his barn for wheel chair accessible for Field Day. The barn has a concrete floor and would be more wheel chair friendly than the grass.
- The board suggested scheduling a portable station at a local park to provide a demonstration and educate new hams and the public to the wonderful world of amateur radio.
Dave (W4SAR) will take the suggestions above and those offered at the last membership meeting to develop a plan, which he will communicate at the next membership meeting.
We want to hear from you. Please provide a suggestions by replying to this post. 73