Starting 2:00pm local time on Saturday, June 24
Ending 2:00pm local time in Sunday June 25
Location: Lamb Family property-
Callsign: W4EZ
At this time, we will be a 9A operation, meaning a club sponsor, 9 HF stations, using only battery power for transmitters, 5Watts maximum output.
Exchange for a complete contact is call sign, class of operation , and ARRL/RAC section.
For us our info is:
Stations planned:
80/40/20/15 CW in the MCU, (three transmitters),
the CW gang
40M Digital in barn W4SAR
20M Digital, in barn, WB4OSU
80M Phone, in RV W3AHL
40/15M Phone, in camper KV7D/K4SAR
20M Phone , in camper W4ORD
10m Phone, in barn NA4VY
VHF- open
Satellite- W4FS
Logging: N1MM freeware logging program, a wireless network will merge all input into one master log
Some personnel:
Safety Officer- W4SAR
Public Information Table: W4MKR
Pot-luck coordinator: KM4MDR
Field Canteen Coordinator: W4ORD
Network: W3AHL
N1MM Logger consultant: N1LN
Overall Coordinator: W4SAR
Volunteers needed to provide relief operators, loggers, field canteen assistance, various other jobs throughout the 3 days of operation.
Recommended Timeline for Field Day Operation:
(All timepoints are local Daylight Saving Time)
Friday June 23
8:00am -Start of Set-Up.
By the FD rules, as of 8:00pm Thursday we could use a total of 24 hours in aggregate for station set up before the official start of FD on Saturday at 2:00pm. We will start with good daylight on Friday morning.
As much heavy work (tower lifting, antenna raising, ground rod driving, battery lifting, etc ) should be accomplished on Friday. Many volunteers will be needed so that this work can be done safely, and without overexerting anyone.
11:30am – Sandwiches and refreshments will be provided by Skip, WB4P
When time allows: preliminary testing of wireless network, power drops for auxiliary equipment
6:00pm Pot Luck Dinner, heavy work should cease.
9:00pm- copy ARRL FD bulletin from W1AW via PSK31
(100 bonus points)
Saturday June 24
As of sunrise: Complete station setups and final testing.
As early as possible, test all logging computers simultaneously on network. Final tests of stations.
Circa 6:00pm- dinner provided at Field Canteen, $5 a head, volunteers are badly needed to assist W4ORD in set up and grilling of food
Sunday June 25
Circa 8:00am, Breakfast at Field Canteen, $5 a head, volunteers needed to assist.
Many hands will be needed to safely tear down stations (there will be many tired people present), clean up.